
Basis of the rate regulation for the pilotage port services

In force January the 18th. 2002

First. The pilotage service will be provided by pilots of the harbor that count with the permit of Secretarìa de Comunicaciones y Transportes (Ministry of Communications and Transport) and have celebrated a contract with the harbor administrator.

Second. The pilotage service will be provided to every ship that arrives or sets sail out of the port and that is legally obliged to use this service, as well as to any other that requests it.

Third. The port service of pilotage will be render to every user that request it in a permanent, uniform and regular way; in equitable conditions as to quality, opportunity and price; and by strict turn, which could be altered by causes of public interest or when the competent authority determine it.

Forth. The consultations or complaints will be attended by the company that provides the service. When it be the case and in the ambit of their competence, will be submitted to the opinion of the Harbor Operation Committee, and in case that the statement isn't resolved, it will be sent to the Ports General Board for their judgment.

Fifth. The payments have the character of maximum charge. There could be promotional or discount fees applied, same that must be available for their free consult by the public user.

Sixth. The rates could be modified by the Ministry, the moment the conditions of operation in the harbor change.

Seventh. The port service of pilotage is regulated by the following levels of collect and precepts of application.

Unique payment = (gross measurement *factor) + (draft *factor)
Factor per gross measurement unit
Factor per draft foot

Last Modification: 27/08/2010 (15:00 Hours) Produced by Department of Promotion
Last Review Content: Review by Marketing Management